Support for people living with HIV - Community, food, friendship & peer support

All the latest happenings from Lunch Positive

Please feel free to comment and share!

You can also find us on Facebook, and interact with other Lunch Club members. 

Lunch Positive’s 15th Big Birthday Bash!

15th June! Celebrate 15 years of Lunch Positive and help continue our work!
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Words for Wellbeing Workshops – Living with HIV

Lunch Positive is launching a pilot programme of six wellbeing workshops for people living with HIV in Sussex.
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Lunch Positive leads on coordinating Zero HIV Stigma rally

Lunch Positive is proud to be event coordinating Brighton’s First Zero HIV Stigma Rally
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Allies Lunch on Zero HIV Stigma Day at the Ledward Centre

Provided by HIV charity Lunch Positive, The Ledward Centre will host a free community lunch on Friday 21st July.
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Brighton based HIV charity Lunch Positive receives The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.
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Lunch Positive Brighton HIV AIDS Support AllAboutCommunity

Lunch Positive are recruiting Trustees!

We are looking for trustees from all sections of the community, including though not exclusively people with HIV, to join our board.
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Friday 8th Jan Drop In, Food Stall and more!

Support, food and friendship
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World Aids Day 2020 Lunch Positive HIV Brighton

Brighton & Hove’s World AIDS Day charity concert

Lunch Positive are the nominated charity for this year’s concert, which followed the World AIDS Day Digital Vigil.
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Friday Lunch Club relaunch – 28th Aug 2020

We are all really looking forward to seeing members old and new this Friday and over the weeks to come!
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£10 donations needed:

£10 provides a healthy meal every day to one person who would otherwise not eat for a WHOLE week.

If you can afford it, please consider donating via the link below:

Never forgotten:

Lunch Positive will always be a respectful and supportive space for members to share memories of loved ones affected by HIV who are no longer with us.