Support for people living with HIV - Community, food, friendship & peer support

Lunch Positive leads on coordinating Zero HIV Stigma rally

Lunch Positive is proud to be event coordinating Brighton’s First Zero HIV Stigma Rally

The big day approaches! The Zero HIV Rally Friday July 21st from 5.15pm at Jubilee Square by the main library. Being compered by Mary O’Kart the powerhouse of Brighton drag, with music by brilliant Rainbow Chorus, Positive Voices, words from MP Lloyd Russell Moyle, and loads, loads more! Please come along in solidarity and share the news! Speak with our volunteers about life with HIV, and refreshments all day from Lunch Positive in Jubilee Square

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Never forgotten:

Lunch Positive will always be a respectful and supportive space for members to share memories of loved ones affected by HIV who are no longer with us. 

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