Support for people living with HIV - Community, food, friendship & peer support

All the latest happenings from Lunch Positive

Please feel free to comment and share!

You can also find us on Facebook, and interact with other Lunch Club members. 

HIV Commission Brighton and Hove

HIV Commission in Brighton and Hove this Friday

England’s first ever HIV Commission is in Brighton and Hove this Friday and we are proud to be inviting commissioners for lunch.
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Eastbourne Group Lunch Positive

Eastbourne Lunch Group Dates

2020 dates now confirmed!
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Lunch Positive 50+ Supper Group

50+ Supper Group Dates

Spring thru Summer dates now confirmed!
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Festive Opening Times – and Thanks!

Wishing you all a wonderful festive week and a great New Year!
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Community Lunch on World AIDS Day – Sunday December 1st

Lunch Positive is hosting a Drop-in Community Sunday Lunch - EVERYONE is welcome (this is a whole community event.) Please do come along, and please ...
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10 years of Lunch Positive……with appreciation!

Gary Pargeter reflects on the impact and achievements of Lunch Positive over 10 years.
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New Advice Drop In at the Lunch Club!

Beginning on Friday 4th October!
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Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum Survey

If you don't share your experiences & thoughts, how can you influence change?
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Thanks to all for a Fab August!

Big thanks to all our volunteers, members and supporters in August!
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£10 donations needed:

£10 provides a healthy meal every day to one person who would otherwise not eat for a WHOLE week.

If you can afford it, please consider donating via the link below:

Never forgotten:

Lunch Positive will always be a respectful and supportive space for members to share memories of loved ones affected by HIV who are no longer with us.