SINCE first starting in 2009, our lunch club has provided over 25,000 hot meals and over 7,000 emergency and crisis food parcels delivered by an enthusiastic and skilled team of volunteers.
Central to the regular food offering are high standards of quality, sustainability, and the effective use of food stocks that are re-distributed from donors and gleamed from within the community.
As part of this approach, one of the charity’s key volunteers Tony was recently invited to attend Tesco’s inaugural Community Cookery School. The experience and learning will directly support the ever busier HIV lunch club, and together with many other participants, Lunch Positive is also offering to share this insight and learning with other food projects that might find it of benefit.
Tony Russell, who attended the training in London said; “At Lunch Positive we cook with 10 tonnes of surplus food each year that would otherwise be wasted and go to landfill. Tesco Cookery School was a fantastic way to connect with other cooks, share ideas, learn new skills and be inspired to get the most out of ingredients. We are so very grateful for the support we receive to help provide the weekly lunch club for those living with or affected by HIV.”
Lunch Positive celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with an open Community Lunch at the B.Right.On Festival on March 30. This will be free to all, and everyone is invited!